Gorilla Highlands in Japan

The Gorilla Highlands Press Trip we organised in November 2015 is slowly showing results. One of our participants was Jiro Ose, an award-winning Japanese photojournalist who lives in Kampala. His portfolio is remarkable; he has taken photos during the historic Congo elections, in the middle of the Sudanese refugee crisis, at the time when Jean-Betrand…

In Search of Great Stories – Press Trip 2015

Photo: Marcus Westberg “Who would have thought that a bunch of journalists and photographers could coexist in complete harmony for a whole week?” said a source close to the Gorilla Highlands Press Trip. Photo: Marcus Westberg (left), Jiro Ose (right) Nobody surely thought like that on the morning of 16 November 2015. The activity started…

News about the Gorilla Highlands spreads to Norway

Let’s face it – we are from a remote area somewhere in the middle of Africa, and making it a destination everyone knows about will not be quick or easy. But we will work on it, each and every day. Last year our leading photographer Marcus Westberg wrote an article about the Gorilla Highlands for…