This text was written in 2007 by Noah Liberi. He was 20 at the time, his only formal education being a rural secondary school in Bukinda, Kabale. But he would read and observe a lot and condense his wisdom of life into the story about Teach Inn Uganda that we will publish in weekly instalments. You…
Category: Noah’s Blog
Noah’s Liberi memories of Teach Inn Uganda.
Medium Sized Girl Leaves Men in River of Lust
This text was written in 2007 by Noah Liberi. He was 20 at the time, his only formal education being a rural secondary school in Bukinda, Kabale. But he would read and observe a lot and condense his wisdom of life into the story about Teach Inn Uganda that we will publish in weekly instalments. You…
Tony Was Good at Any Work Needing Only One Hand
This text was written in 2007 by Noah Liberi. He was 20 at the time, his only formal education being a rural secondary school in Bukinda, Kabale. But he would read a lot and condense the wisdom of life into the following paragraphs that open the story about Teach Inn Uganda that we will publish in…
I Would Sometimes Ask Myself Why I Needed to Write
This text was written in 2007 by Noah Liberi. He was 20 at the time, his only formal education being a rural secondary school in Bukinda, Kabale. But he would read a lot and condense the wisdom of life into the following paragraphs that open the story about Teach Inn Uganda that we will publish in…
Irremediable Compulsive Exasperate Inveterate Invincible Beliefs
This text was written in 2007 by Noah Liberi. He was 20 at the time, his only formal education being a rural secondary school in Bukinda, Kabale. But he would read a lot and condense the wisdom of life, heavily influenced by The Alchemist, into the following paragraphs that open the story about Teach Inn…
Funny Philosopher
My day with Dutch entrepreneurs inevitably took me down memory lane… To the beginning of 2007. I had just spent all my money and sold all my stocks to make The Home of Edirisa in Kabale Town as impressive as possible. Our volunteer Samo Ačko had been doing crazy things, including calling his father to…