Gorilla Highlands Cooking in Slovenia

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Rolex in Slovenske noviceOur rolex recipe got published in Slovenske novice, the biggest Slovenian daily, a fortnight ago.

This newspaper reaches over 300,000 people on an average day, so having a full page devoted to our speciality and the Gorilla Highlands project leader is a not a small deal. Every time we put the two special words “Gorilla” and “Highlands” in a paper, onto a website or into a broadcast, we are a little closer to making our region known around the world.

You can find the article here. In addition to describing the recipe, it introduces Miha Logar. A translation: Miha is an all-rounder who has been living in Uganda for 16 years. His home is at Lake Bunyonyi, three hours away from Rwanda’s capital. His social enterprise has been devoted to responsible tourism and www.gorillahighlands.com the last few years. The website is an information platform for travellers planning to visit Uganda and Rwanda, and more than that. An international team uses it to send out plentiful interesting stories from around their magical lake and gorilla national parks.