In Great Company Mapping Is Fun

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The Gorilla Highlands team spent the last two days learning from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). Our open invitation to join this mapping training brought to Lake Bunyonyi four Uganda Wildlife Authority ranger guides, a volunteer from Echuya Eco-tourism Association and a guide-in-training from Mutanda Lake Resort. All in all, 19 people had an educational and entertaining experience that built a foundation for the OpenSourceMap (OSM) to be the ultimate online source for our region.

Douglas Ssebaggala opening OpenStreetMap training at Edirisa on Lake Bunyonyi; photo by Miha Logar
Douglas Ssebaggala opening OpenStreetMap training at Edirisa on Lake Bunyonyi; photo by Miha Logar
Geoffrey Kateregga was the main trainer during OpenStreetMap training for the Gorilla Highlands team; photo by Miha Logar
Geoffrey Kateregga was the main trainer during OpenStreetMap training for the Gorilla Highlands team; photo by Miha Logar
The participants attempting to draw maps of their villages; photo by Miha Logar
Participants attempting to draw maps of their villages; photo by Miha Logar
What does it mean for something to be "open"?; photo by Miha Logar
What does it mean for something to be “open”?; photo by Miha Logar
A big part of the training was devoted to updating OpenStreetMap based on satellite images; photo by Miha Logar
A big part of the training was devoted to updating OpenStreetMap based on satellite images… ; photo by Miha Logar
... but it was GPS trackers that made it really fun; photo by Miha Logar
… but it was GPS trackers that made it really fun; photo by Miha Logar
Kyabahinga peninsula was blank on OpenStreetMap before today - it isn't anymore; photo by Miha Logar
Kyabahinga peninsula was blank on OpenStreetMap before today – it isn’t anymore; photo by Miha Logar
Those purple lines on the previous image were our trainees moving around the peninsula and this is a group photo on it's ridge; photo by Yonah Okot
Group photo during GPS tracking; photo by Yonah Okot
Last but not least, swimming training was an option too; photo by Miha Logar
Last but not least, swimming training was an option too; photo by Miha Logar