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Ah, Easter… It’s a moving target. And then it’s suddenly around the corner — and you have no clue what to do with it!
You start thinking about the places you have heard about, locations your besties have visited, Instagram images that have flashed in front of your eyes… It can be stressful. Especially if you are considered one of those people who help others make sense of holidays.
Allow us a hint: we have cheat sheet for you! It’s called the Gorilla Highlands Pocket Guide, it’s free and it’s meant especially for you. The photos in this blog post show it being distributed all over our region but you can also download it as a PDF here.
… Nooooo. You must be kidding? Do we really hear you complain that the prices in it are listed in dollars and therefore somehow not for local consumption?! You, the globetrotter?
We cover two countries, and we are adding the third one, do you truly want us to quote everything in three currencies? Multiply those amounts by 3650 if you are from Uganda or 860 if you are from Rwanda and you will be set.
You can actually start with classified listings; obtaining a roof above your head is a solid beginning. We are tough on our advertisers. We make them include pricing information so that you, the reader, don’t waste time dreaming about what is unobtainable. We edit out fancy words and focus on what is descriptive, practical, useful. The current edition has 10 pages of this handy stuff, from A…kagera National Park to R… ushaga in Bwindi, and all the towns and lakes in between. Many very affordable options included!
Next step: getting there. If you have a vehicle that will be a peace of cake with our clear and exact maps. If you wanna go by bus page 16 can help (ha, look, the prices are in local currencies even!) … and can you see that link down there? You can see many other other prices on our website.
Embiz or no MBs, don’t be afraid of links! They are on almost every page and lead to more detailed information on anything you might be interested in. You should be paying special attention to this one: www.gorillahighlands.com/nationalparks. It’s astounding how low activity fees are for East Africans in Uganda’s national parks! For example, you can climb a dormant volcano for 14 dollars (that’s park entry, plus a guide, plus security detail for a whole day).
Last but not least, even though we have put “Gorilla” in our brand name for the region and showcase gorgeous animals in the booklet, we are very much about culture and history… Fascinating stories abound! And if you prefer to watch, our YouTube channel will tell you even more.
text: Miha Logar; photo: Shenaz Ntwari