The Return of The Enya

I can’t believe it’s already 2019! WOW! Talk about writer’s block, am I right?! Mine was a massive one… You haven’t heard from me for TWO YEARS!!! Like what is this? How could my life have been so boring with nothing to write about??? But boy have we changed that since Christmas… I’ve finally spent…

Never Double Cross an Evil Genius

This is the queen of bloggers Enya Logar (ENYA!!! ENYA!!! ENYA!!! Yeah!!! She’s so amazing! ENYA!!! ENYA!!! ENYA!!!). … Shhh I know I’m pretty amazing but quiet down, and let me begin. So I guess you have all heard about New Year’s at Tom’s Homestay? For those who don’t know, what rock have you been…

“I Liked It before I Hit the Tree”

Hello my public! This is I Enya again 👏👏. What’s up? Last week I wrote about police in Kampala but now I’m taking you back to Lake Bunyonyi, if that is OK with you? Your opinion matters the most to me! Yes or no? … You are all saying yes! Yay! Before I tell you…

Policemen Gone Crazy

Suprise surprise, here I am again with my blog, the extremely fabulous, pretty, beautiful, clever and smart Enyaaaaaaaaaaaa! Today I am writing about something different, instead of my holidays on Lake Bunyonyi I am gonna report about my life in Kampala (and report some policemen too). My dad has come to visit, after two long months….

How We Canoed to BirdNest All by Ourselves

(MASTER OF CEREMONIES SPEAKING) Dear audience, it’s the most fabulous the most amazing fashion designer ENYA [audience applauds] who paddled with her brother to BIRDNEST all on their own! (ENYA SPEAKING) Thank you, Mr MC, one and all! I would love to tell you why we went on this extraordinary adventure. You see, we had…

Pokémon Get Real at Lake Bunyonyi

Hi, on Monday I went on an amazing adventure in the GORILLA HIGHLANDS. But I’m writing about it today, as I don’t want to be blogging on the first day of the week because it reminds me of school. So I bet you are wondering what I did (if you weren’t, I would be surprised)… I…